Living with Psoriasis: It’s a Roller Coaster Ride


I can only describe life with psoriasis as a roller coaster. There are continuous twists, turns, and loops; a flurry of doctors appointments, emotions, plaques, itching, medication that helps and then doesn’t, educating yourself, educating others, lifestyle changes, and more medication. Fortunately, after 22 years, I’ve learned how to stay grounded even when I’m thrown for a loop.

Strap in

The ride started when I was a freshman in high school. I felt the pressure of new friends, new hormones, awkward growth spurts, acne, periods… The roller coaster was making its way up, and I didn’t know how high it would go.

Read the rest of this article on Health Grades website here Living with Psoriasis: It’s a Roller Coaster Ride.

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Finding the Right Shampoo for Scalp Psoriasis


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